Maybe you've seen Terese Machmiller and Shelby Skiena holding the SkyLink banner on a street corner.

Or maybe you've seen Conrad Cipoletti posting and handing out flyers to let people know about the SkyLink presentation on March 22, from 7 - 8:30 p.m.
These are a few of the people who are donating their time to spread the word about the possibility of adding an urban gondola system to connect West Seattle with Link Light Rail.
The SkyLink team is an entirely volunteer organization that provides information, meets with transportation and elected officials, and engages with local residents and businesses.
Why do Terese, Shelby and Conrad volunteer?
Conrad says:
"I volunteer because Seattle deserves transit solutions that are as innovative and awe-inspiring as the city itself."
Terese, with deep roots in West Seattle, has this to say:
"A year ago I learned of this grassroots group with the intriguing proposition of a gondola system as an elegant, yet robust, solution to our transportation challenges to and from the West Seattle peninsula, for a fraction of the financial, traffic, real estate and environmental cost and timeline of the light rail plan.
As a 3rd generation West Seattleite, I love this idea and am committed to raising awareness and support to see it through.
And Shelby echoes the sentiments of many West Seattle residents:
Like a lot of people, I'm sure, I thought the idea of light rail to West Seattle, at long last, would be a good thing. It didn't occur to me, until I saw preliminary designs, how big the footprint of light rail would be, and how many homes and businesses would be displaced.
Then I saw a yard sign for the West Seattle Urban Gondola and was intrigued. Not only by the cost savings, the simplicity, the lowered impact on our environment and the speed in which it could be implemented, but that it might also bring tourists to local businesses.
After seeing the DEIS from Sound Transit, and could really visualize what a monstrosity it would be, and how it would devastate our neighborhoods and the unique character of our community, I felt compelled to get involved to spread the word!